Ryze Video is a standalone web portal containing hundreds of high-quality and expertly produced educational videos filmed with top organisations and universities over the past 5 years!
On Ryze Video, you'll be able to explore numerous video topics to find the best videos for your needs. ‘The portal contains educational topics relating to management, leadership, study skills, net zero and much more! Other student-centric videos cover themes such as starting university, moving to the UK, making friends and writing an assignment.
All videos come with an easy to use one-click link for embedding videos into your student platforms (such as BlackBoard, Moodle, Teams, etc) and presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint, KeyNote, Canva). Enhance your online content with Ryze Video.
The Ryze Video portal caters to a variety of learning styles and preferences. The portal contains highly specialised videos produced by academics and filmed & edited by a professional video team.
Ryze Video Portal - User Guide (pdf)
DownloadGet in touch with us with your availability and we'll book you in for a demo to show you how to use the portal and answer any questions.